NZDF Psychology
Ōhinengaro Ope Kātua
The NZDF Psychology Directorate offers a broad range of services designed to enhance the performance of individuals and teams across the NZDF.
How NZDF Psychologists can help you
What is a psychologist?
NZDF Psychologists are your trusted experts in applying psychological science to enhance performance for mission success. We specialise in the human and psychological factors that contribute to people and teams reaching their full potential. The Directorate of Psychology follows a philosophy of evidence-based practice which ensures problems are clearly defined. We draw on scientific evidence from a variety of sources to inform the services we deliver. There are many ways the NZDF psychologists can help you.
Right person right role
Talk to your local NZDF Psychologist about:
- Getting the most out of your next selection board/assessment centre.
- Best practice approaches to assessment and selection.
- Understanding the requirements of roles within your unit.
- Training to enable effective assessment.
Equipping people for the challenge
Talk to your local NZDF Psychologist about:
- Individual coaching to improve performance.
- Team workshops targeting resilience and mental skills.
- Responding appropriately to critical incidents.
- Understanding how to best support your people.
- Psychological support to operations
Strengthening teams and leaders
Talk to your local NZDF Psychologist about:
- Workshops for high performing teams, personality, and culture.
- Leadership development tools and research.
- Individual leader development.
Who do we help?
The NZDF psychologists work predominantly with NZDF serving personnel on an individual and group basis. In some circumstance this work may extend to include civilian employees.
Is it confidential?
Confidentiality is a part of the ethical guidelines of psychologists who have to abide by the Code of Ethics for NZ Psychologists which means that information between a patient and the psychologist cannot be shared without consent, unless legally required to do so under AFDA.