Overwatch - LGBTTQIA+
Matapopore - LGBTTQIA+
Creating a welcoming and safe environment in the defence community where LGBTTQIA+ are Visible, Vocal and Valued.

What is Overwatch?
OverWatch is an organisation of Regular, Reserve and Civilian volunteers from across the NZDF providing opportunities for connection and support within the community, networking and social opportunities and access to information and support to the LGBTTQIA+ community and their whānau.
The acronym LGBTTQIA+ represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui, intersex and queer/questioning, the + represents other identities not captured.
Who do we help?
OverWatch is designed to provide a confidential peer support network, guidance and advice for the NZDF's LGBTTQIA+ community, uniformed and civilian, at all ranks, across all services and wherever in the world personnel are deployed.
This page will be routinely populated with a variety of informative resources specifically for Commanders (and members of the Command Chain), members of the Base Support Teams and supporters of LGBTTQIA+ personnel. The aim is to equip commanders of LGBTTQIA+ personnel with adequate knowledge and resources to deal with any complicated issues they might otherwise struggle to handle. Essentially, this is a 'tool kit' for any member of the wider command or welfare structure dealing with issues of sexuality and gender diversity.
How do you ask for help?
Reach out to Overwatch via email and you will be put in contact with your nearest Overwatch member.
Is it confidential?
Your confidentiality contacting OverWatch will be assured at all times (not withstanding obligations to AFDA). Disclosure of information to a third party will not be given without the written, expressed permission of the individual concerned.
What is the goal of Overwatch?
- Raise awareness throughout the NZDF of OverWatch to ensure LGBTTQIA+ personnel, their commanders and managers know where to go for support or advice, and how OverWatch links with broader support networks within NZDF.
- Better understand the needs of the NZDFs LGBTTQIA+ personnel to ensure OverWatch, and broader NZDF support networks can appropriately and proactively respond to these needs.
- Ensure NZDF supports the needs of current and future LGBTTQIA+ personnel so that we remain an organisation at the forefront of LGBTTQIA+ inclusion, that publicly demonstrates a commitment to supporting diversity, and that stands up for our people.

Support groups & online communities
DEFGLIS. Defence Gay & Lesbian Information Service:
OutServe. Represents the U.S. LGBT military community worldwide. Our mission is to: educate the community, provide legal services, advocate for authentic transgender service, provide developmental opportunities, support members and local chapters, communicate effectively, and work towards equality for all.
Diversity works. A national membership organisation, here to help business develop diverse and inclusive workplaces. These are energised, engaged workplaces that embrace ‘difference’. They encourage every employee to live up to their potential and to feel safe and valued. We are proud to be part of the evolution in workplace policy and culture, fostering equality and difference, rejecting bias and seeking diversity.
Human Rights Commission NZ. The Human Rights Commission was set up in 1977 and works under the human Rights act 1993. It's purpose is to Promote and Protect the human rights of all people in Aotearoa New Zealand. We work for a free, fair, safe and just New Zealand, where diversity is valued and human dignity and rights are respected.
Other useful websites
The Trevor Project, Gay Line Wellington, Lesbian New Zealand, Pride NZ, Rainbow Youth, Naming NZ, Tiwhanawhana,Tranzform Outline, Gay NZ & Gay New Zealand.