Devonport Naval Base - Devonport Te Taua Moana O Aotearoa Marae
Your place to stand.

Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa Marae
Hours | 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday, weekends by arrangement | | |
Phone | 09 397 7407 |
Location | Ngataringa Bay |
All requests for the use of Marae facilities or support are to be forwarded in writing to the marae manager. The availability of Te Taua Moana Marae for tangihanga of any serving sailor of civilian member of the RNZN, their immediate families, or ex-sailors, takes precedence over any other requests for the use of the facility. Use of the marae by non-defence organisations will require a licence to be raised, which may take up to 30 days.
Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa Marae
Your marae - Ahuru mowai
'Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei wāhi whakahirahira o Te Taua Moana’
The mission of Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa marae is to provide an understanding of Māori customs, supporting the needs of Te Taua Moana Marae, embracing a unity of all cultures within the RNZN and the wider naval community, by sharing, experiencing, and respecting others' values and beliefs.
The Marae is considered by many to be the spiritual home of the Navy, a safe haven for personnel to seek help and solace away from the demands of work and social pressures. We offer physical and spiritual healing - whakatau hinengaro (meditation), hau-ora (wellness through breath), mirimiri (Māori massage) and karakia (prayers). Attached to these concepts are – taonga puoro (Māori musical instruments), karanga (spiritual calling), mau rakau (weaponry), kapa haka (cultural arts), whakaiiro (carving), raranga (weaving) and Te Reo (language learning). Providing all of these aspects is essential and contributes to the overall mental health and wellbeing of our personnel. These are available for anyone to come along and participate in, or we are here if you just want to share a cuppa.
The venue can be utilised for a multitude of events that serve our current and past sailors, their whānau and the wider Naval Community and local community (e.g. Tangihanga, Birthdays, Wānanga, Welcomes, Graduations to name a few).
Piki mai kaki mai
Ko Uika te maunga
Ko Nga awa e rua te awa
Ko Te Kurae a Tura te whenua
Ko Te Taua Moana te Marae
Ko Iwi Heramana te iwi
North head is the mountain
Ngā Awa e rua is the sacred river
The headlands of Tura is the sacred land
Te Taua Moana marae is the RNZN spiritual refuge
The sailors are the people
Kawa - protocol
The kawa (protocol) for whaikōrero (speaking) on the RNZN Marae and subsequent RNZN hosted hui is Tau utuutu / Tū mai Tū atu (the host and visitors alternate speaking). The host starts and finishes the whaikōrero (process).
Te Taua Moana. The name of the Marae (buildings and land within the confines of the boundary fence) will be Te Taua Moana.
Hine Moana. The name of the Wharenui (Meeting House) will be Te Whetū Moana. The name of the Wharekai (Dining Room) will be Hine Moana.
"Te Rūnanga o Te Iwi Heramana would like to take this opportunity to thank te whānau o te Iwi Heramana (the wider Naval community) for the assistance and support to this kaupapa (subject). Kia ora koutou katoa".

The history of our marae
Navy Haka
Kotahi tū mai ra
Ki te tumu herenga waka
papaki tū ana
Tikanga tuatahi o te kaupapa ra ko
te whai hoa
Manaakitia atu, tautokotia atu
Kia tū kaha, kia tū maia, kia tū
Heramana e
Ko te whai Herea
Kia mau, kia ita, kia pupuri ai
Ki te whai ngā tūtoro o te Taua
Moana e
Mate atu he toa
Kia tū whai tara
Mate atu he toa
Kia tū whai tara
Ko Uika te Maunga
Ko ngā awa e rua
Papaki tu ana

Navy Kapa haka Groups
Te Reo Heramana (TRH)
The TRH was founded some 30 years ago by past and present sailors and their extended families. It is still today the foundation for all kapa haka within the RNZN, with its base being Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa Marae. It has around between 50-60 active members. Te Reo Heramana is recognised as an affiliated club in the RNZN. Practice times are 4.30pm - 6.30pm Monday afternoon. All are welcome, please email for more details.
Standing Cultural Group (SCG)
The RNZN Standing Cultural Group was formed to conduct and support all RNZN ceremonial requirements, such as V.I.P Powhiri, ship visits, V.I.P events, and credentials ceremonies, as well as supporting all NZDF events including Tri-Service guards in Wellington, and overseas deployments. This is a core group of 20 personnel who practice every Wednesday afternoon from 1-4pm at the Navy Marae. Personnel who are interested in joining the SCG are to make a request through their divisional system, via a request form.