Force Financial Hub
Pūtahi Pūtea Ope Kātua

Affected by Workforce Savings Programme Resources

Resources from our Force Financial Hub partners

Managing finances

There may be times in life when you're worried about your finances. Here's some information about how financial worries can impact your wellbeing - as well as some resources and self-management tools you might find helpful.

Resources and tools

We regularly produce great resources to support our NZDF community's financial wellbeing. Here are a few of our favourites. Would you like a copy?

New Zealand Defence Force KiwiSaver scheme

KiwiSaver helps New Zealanders save for their retirement and for a first home.

New Zealand Defence Force FlexiSaver scheme

Unlike a KiwiSaver Scheme, the New Zealand Defence Force FlexiSaver Scheme allows you to withdraw your money at any time.

Defence Force Superannuation Scheme

The Defence Force Superannuation Scheme is now closed to new members.

Member Insurance Benefits Programme (MIBP)

The Chief of Defence Force provides a staff insurance package for all NZDF Regular and Reserve Forces and Civilian (permanent and fixed term) members.

Inforce Domestic Insurance Scheme

Insurance packages for the New Zealand Defence Force and the wider Defence Community.

Medical insurance

As a member of the New Zealand Defence Force, you can get discounted medical insurance through Southern Cross.

Mortgage Broking and Financial Advice

NZDF has a long-running and transparent partnership with Become Wealth (formerly Milestone Direct) to provide Free Mortgage Broking and Discounted Financial Advice for NZDF members and their families.

Financial Capability Training Programme

Courses to provide New Zealand Defence Force members and their families with the tools to make the best financial decisions for themselves.

Preferential Banking Arrangements

ANZ offers all members of the New Zealand Defence Force a range of special discounts and benefits for their banking needs.

Wills and other services

Why get a Will?

Leisure Travel Insurance

This policy provides travel insurance cover for currently serving and retired members of the Defence community (including your spouse and dependent children) undertaking leisure travel.

Police Credit Union - Defence Loans & Banking package


The NZDF wants personnel and their families to be in a position to make good financial decisions. The financial hub has been set up for easy access to all the NZDF’s financial benefits in one place. Get in touch with us using the email 

Force Financial Hub